Tuesday, April 25, 2017


The Leftovers Season 3 Episode 1

"The Book of Kevin" 

Image result for the leftovers plane

After a whole year and a half and expanded efforts to get the people around me to watch this show that i love so very much, I finally got to see the premiere of the new season and it didn't disappoint! This is not a review of the entire show, it is just a review of the premiere, but, if you want the whole show, I have a review right here, so check it out. There will be spoilers all over this review. I would be sorry, but you don't care anyways! If at any point you're like "Oh, this sounds interesting" then that is your qeue to start season 1.

In preparation for the show, I attempted to watch all the trailers and everything. I would normally abstain from doing that, but, since nobody else watches the show, I figured I would be one of the few to give it the hype it deserved. I did see some reviews from the critics that got to see the first 7 of the total of 8 episodes this season and I wish I hadn't. It was only moments before I saw the episode start that I had a little bit of worry in my brain about whether or not it would live up to the master class season that came before it. All of this quickly changed when the opening scene showed a group of what LOOKED like pilgrims that are out and waiting for the next flood or other "world ending" event to take the worthy up to god. The whole scene is played without dialogue and a song playing over it that mirrors the premise of the show itself. 

Image result for the leftovers suffocation

After that, we see the demise of The Guilty Remnant. They get totally destroyed with a bomb! What!? I'll try to stay pretty vague about some spoilers (not counting that one I just said) to save some surprises. After that you get to see that the season takes place 3 years after the previous one, echoing the time jump in the first episode starting 3 years after the day of the Sudden Departure. With this, there are many questions as to what he characters have been up to since the last time we saw them.  Some characters are missing with their whereabouts unknown (by us) and some interesting combinations of couples start to form. One thing the episode does really well is that it is spent mostly reintroducing us to the characters we know and love and the "big threat" isn't something most of the characters are even worried about. 

The "big threat" as mentioned before is that of October 14th. According to Matt Jamison, the the priest in the show, something very big is going to happen on the 7th anniversary of the Sudden Departure. He says this because, in the Bible, the number 7 has a big significance, namely with the Rapture. Many go to assume that the world will end by a great flood. Matt also thinks that the only way to stop it is with the help of Kevin Garvey, the shows main protagonist. He believes Kevin is the answer so much that he even goes as far as to write a new book for the Bible known as this episodes namesake, "The Book of Kevin." It is Matt, John Murphy (Kevin's neighbor), and John's son, Micheal, that all believe that Kevin might just be the one to lead everyone to safety in the coming Apocalypse.  While you side with Kevin and believe that all of them are crazy, you can't argue that the things Kevin have accomplished are nothing more than spectacular and would cause many people to believe that he is some sort of savior. (The things he does I will not spoil.)

Image result for The Book of kevin

All in all, the premiere was absolutely bananas in the best type of way. As of the writing of this blog, I have seen the 2nd episode of this season and I can not wait to see what the characters do when they get into Australia.  I wish I could further explain and analyze, but this blog would be too long to read. If you haven't seen the Leftovers (I'm betting you haven't) I would highly suggest you look at the clips below and/or watch the show.   

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