Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Critiquing a Media Critic

Grace Randolph
Image result for grace randolph sucks
I tend to dislike trying to "critique" a critic. Especially about film or television. With something like food, if you like the food, then it's whatever because you like it and it gives you energy, so it doesn't really matter. You tend to listen to video game reviews because video games are REALLY expensive and if you spend 50-60 bucks on a bad game, you just have to live with it. With movies and tv its harder. If a critic doesn't give an accurate representation of a film while giving their ideas about the film, then their audience may walk into a movie and 1) waste their money seeing the film, 2) fund something bad and basically telling Hollywood "Yes, more of THAT please!", or 3) don't get a movie that DESERVES people's butt's in seats but doesn't get the recognition it deserves. Film is subjective, however, so one can not blame a critic for not liking a movie you like. I accept this fact with most movie reviewers, so I tend to watch more than one to make up my own mind of whether or not I want to see a movie. The usual outlier is Grace Randolph.

Grace Randolph is a movie reviewer for the channel Beyond the Trailer, a channel I regret to have a link to. I don't know what it is about Grace...But I hate her. Actually, that's a lie.  I know exactly what my problems are. Firstly, she spends the first 3rd of her review on talking about a film's PR path and controversies behind the scenes before the review so that, when she rips on a movie, she can use it as an excuse for why the movie failed in certain spots. I really, REALLY did not want to watch any of her reviews in preparation for this blog post. I decided to pull up her review of Guardians of the Galaxy (currently my favorite movie of all time) and the review had me steaming. Keep in mind, I had not seen the review before. I already knew she wouldn't like it, however, because she seems to have the opposite reactions I do when it comes to film. I don't really want to talk more about what she thought about Guardians of the Galaxy because it just makes me mad. I will link a legit review here.

I also don't enjoy her bias. She is the biggest DC fanboy (fangirl?(fanperson)) I have ever run across on the internet. The DCEU (The name of the Warnar Bros./DC cinematic universe) has had a string of bad films the last year or so, and she really scratches at anything to make her review sound positive. I hate this because it is an inaccurate depiction of the films and, if people pay for it, studios don't know they did anything wrong (or pretend they don't know, at least.) She even went as far to accuse Disney/Marvel for paying off movie critics to say movies like Batman v. Superman and Suicide Squad were bad movies! The most ridiculous thing I have ever heard! She also pissed a lot of people off.

I also just don't like her view on films. She trash talks directors and actors with unfounded evidence. She doesn't know what makes a good film. She doesn't appreciate the things I, or many movie critics for that matter, appreciate in film as an art. She recently did a trailer reaction to Baby Driver, which I thought was amazing, and talked about it like it was nothing! Nothing! I don't respect this critic and I wish I had written a blog about someone I liked because now I'm going to be in a grumpy mood the rest of the afternoon.Don't see a film based on Grace's reviews. Visit Chris Stuckmann, Jeremy Jahns, John Flickster, Schomoes Know, or Pretty Much It if you want accurate depictions of film. Also, don't take any of their words for it, take what they say, draw your own conclusions, and see a film for yourself to see what you think about it.

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